Intended for inner surface use, Rasastuk is a fine gypsum plaster with unique additives. Its advanced formula fills thickness up to 5cm, easily levels broad surfaces, and can be used for chalk decoration. Rasastuk won't lump and is quite workable (over 4 hours)

Rasastuk Spezial is a unique plaster to be used on inner surfaces. It is made of selected resins and a fine gypsum plaster, along with syntetic reinforcing fibers. It is specifically useful for reconstructing inner surfaces, as well as a resistance to wall contortion, and fluid vapour mobility.

Known as a premixed, mono-component product, Rasastuk Cartongesso is made with marble powder, chalk, and other related ingredients. The outstanding flexibility resistance and point of white make it ideal for filling and smoothing plasterboards.

Betonix is comprised of an internal microporous structure that provides lightness and thermal-insulating properties. The micro fiber-reinforced matrix, the proper grain size selection, and the utilization of specific ingredients promise high workability through use of application. It is ideal for repairing and smoothing edges, facades, and fissures. Its specific formula allows it to be painted over a couple of days.

As a white cement-based morat, Modostuc E10 can finish a facade's cycle of reconstruction: the fine grade and specific point of white make the furniture it's used on pristine and one of a kind. Modostuc E10 is simple to apply and is perfect for levelling both external and internal surfaces containing imperfections. Modostuc E10 achieves effects of high quality. The last plaster application will be clean and balanced.

The raw filler is ideal for external surfaces and can restore hand-made concrete beams, panels and pilasters, in addition to filling panels that are pre-fabricated. As a tixotropic cement filler, Modoraw contains compensated shrinkage, is fiber-reinforced, and made of mineral inserts, cement, and sufficient additives. It's perfect for pilasters, beams, cornices, structural concrete restoration, hand-made pre-fabrication, structural concrete coatings that have worn out without an iron cover

As an organic lime-based, hydraulic dry mortar, Betonix RZ is great for restoration. Restaura anti-humidity is steam-absorbent; it expedites damp evaporation from walls. Having a modulus of elasticity akin to the older mortars and to the complete bricks, it won't result in chinks or detachments. It is resistant to molds and microorganisms and is flameproof

Organic, lime based, hydraulic fine mortar used for restoration purposes can be used to smooth surfaces before they're painted over. It is best to apply it with a thin coat, as the finish is steam-absorbent. Betonix expedites damp evaporation from walls. With a modulus of flexibility akin to completed bricks and older mortars, it won't produce chincks or detachments. It is resistant to molds and microorganism and is flameproof.

Gincover is a cement-based plaster that is fiber-reinforced. Its formula eliminates and smooths out imperfections in external facades.